Angharad Palin

 Notary Public




WHAT is legalisation or an apostille?

Many countries require notarised documents to be legalised. Legalisation is a double check to ensure that the signature of the notary is genuine and is recognised by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office. In some cases, documents may also need to be checked by foreign embassies to make sure that the Notary's signature matches the one on their records. Once the authenticity of the Notary's signature is confirmed, a certificate is attached called an "Apostille".

If you are unsure whether legalisation will be necessary in your case, speak to Angharad and she will be able to advise you.


If you need a document to be legalised, you can either arrange this yourself or Angharad can deal with the necessary steps on your behalf. Angharad can usually obtain an apostille on a document within 3-5 working days. Embassy legalisation timescales vary, depending on the Embassy involved and the type of document. If you decide to deal with legalisation yourself, Angharad will be very happy to explain the process to you.